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Prepare for Winter: Your Fall Checklist for Better Mental Health

Prepare for Winter

Written by Katherine Kessler in collaboration with psychologist Beth Capecchi Prepare for Winter: Your Fall Checklist for Better Mental Health As the days grow shorter and the temperature drops, many of us find our mood shifting along with the season. While it’s natural to want to cozy up indoors, for some, the winter months bring […]

Neuroplasticity: The Key to Overcoming Feeling Stuck


Feeling trapped in your own mind, endlessly repeating the same habits and behaviors without understanding why, can be a vicious cycle. It can be frustrating and disheartening constantly wondering if change will ever be possible. Understanding neuroplasticity offers a turning point. Neuroplasticity is the brain’s incredible ability to adapt and change throughout life by forming […]

Statement from Scenic City Neurotherapy on the Matthew Perry Investigation

Statement from Scenic City Neurotherapy on the Matthew Perry Investigation

The continuation of Matthew Perry’s tragedy, with new details emerging as of August 15, highlights the severe consequences of provider malpractice, the dangers of illegal drug use, and the perilous combination of multiple treatment factors.  As a leading provider of innovative mental health treatments, including ketamine infusion therapy, Scenic City Neurotherapy believes its imperative to […]

The Dangerous Practice of DIY Ketamine Use: Prioritizing Safety

Close up of doctor hand adjusting syringe pump for anesthesia and drug administration during medical procedures in the intensive care unit

Editor’s Note: This blog was updated on August 16th to include the latest information regarding Matthew Perry’s death. “It’s difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on not understanding it.” – Upton Sinclair Matthew Perry’s struggle with addiction is no secret. When this blog was first written, based on the […]

At-Home Ketamine Therapy Dangers: In-Depth Insights

Insights into At-Home Ketamine Risks

Editor’s Note: This blog was updated on October 16th to reflect the latest information. At-home ketamine therapy has emerged as a concerning trend in mental health treatment, leading to severe outcomes, including laryngospasm-induced deaths. This shift away from best-practice models has resulted in increased self-administration of sublingual ketamine, posing significant risks to individuals seeking relief […]