Statement from Scenic City Neurotherapy on the Matthew Perry Investigation
The continuation of Matthew Perry’s tragedy, with new details emerging as of August 15, highlights the severe consequences of provider malpractice, the dangers of illegal drug use, and the perilous combination of multiple treatment factors. As a leading provider of innovative mental health treatments, including ketamine infusion therapy, Scenic City Neurotherapy believes its imperative to […]
The Dangerous Practice of DIY Ketamine Use: Prioritizing Safety
Editor’s Note: This blog was updated on August 16th to include the latest information regarding Matthew Perry’s death. “It’s difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on not understanding it.” – Upton Sinclair Matthew Perry’s struggle with addiction is no secret. When this blog was first written, based on the […]
7 Powerful Ways Nutrition Boosts Ketamine Infusion Therapy for Better Mental Health and Chronic Pain Relief
How Nutrition Boosts Ketamine Infusion Therapy for Mental Health and Chronic Pain by Charles Miller CRNA Introduction In this blog, we will learn about how good nutrition and overall health can make ketamine infusion therapy more effective for treating mental health issues and chronic pain. We will cover how physical health affects treatment, the importance of […]
At-Home Ketamine Therapy Dangers: In-Depth Insights
Editor’s Note: This blog was updated on October 16th to reflect the latest information. At-home ketamine therapy has emerged as a concerning trend in mental health treatment, leading to severe outcomes, including laryngospasm-induced deaths. This shift away from best-practice models has resulted in increased self-administration of sublingual ketamine, posing significant risks to individuals seeking relief […]
Mental Health Stigma Seven Professionals Discuss
Peeling back the layers of mental health stigma reveals a complex and pervasive force that shapes perceptions and experiences, often eluding easy definitions. In this blog post, we delve into the profound insights shared by professionals in the mental health industry, shedding light on the challenges of stigma and offering actionable strategies for fostering inclusivity […]
One Veteran’s Story with Ketamine Therapy
In “Embracing Better with PTSD,” we interview Anna McCurdy, a trauma-focused therapist, covering her work with PTSD and how it pairs with the Ketamine Infusion and TMS Therapies offered at Scenic City Neurotherapy. We also welcome Josh, a veteran and special guest, who shares his firsthand experiences with Ketamine Infusion Therapy and PTSD, explored further […]