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Navigating Ketamine Therapy: Your Path to Healing Begins Here

Navigating Ketamine Therapy - Your Path to Healing

At Scenic City Neurotherapy, we refer to our evidence based IV ketamine therapy protocol as Minimally-Stimulated Ketamine Infusion Therapy (MSKIT®). It produces the highest rates of patient reported remission of symptoms, maximal comfort while undergoing treatment, and a team approach which includes counselors, general physicians, psychiatrists, physical therapists (for pain) and our anesthesia team. MSKIT® […]

Psychoplastogens vs Psychedelics

Psychoplastogens vs Psychedelics

Why the push for profits is overriding best practice protocols. A best practice approach is defined as a reproducible, evidence-based treatment or protocol that provides the highest level of patient success. With straightforward medical interventions, success is easily measured because expectations are well understood. For example, if you have a tumor then the complete removal […]

Time to Address Dwayne Haskins


Time to address Dwayne Haskins. Tragically, the 24-year old football player was struck and killed by a motor vehicle on April 9, 2022. News outlets reported that Mr. Haskins tested positive for norketamine, which is a biproduct of the anesthetic ketamine. This means that, while he did not actively have ketamine in his system, he […]

I am in Pain Management. Why is my pain getting worse?

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This is a question that patients who experience chronic pain should ask themselves. Pain is defined as the perception of noxious stimuli. If you perceive the pain, then the pain is real. There are too many different manifestations of pain to cover with just one article, so today we will focus on patients who experience chronic back pain after […]