Why You Cannot Think Your Way Out of a Mental Illness
What Will You Do to Move Forward?
Why IV Administration?
What is SNT?
What is Ketamine?
Video Transcript People ask me all the time what is ketamine? Ketamine is an anesthetic, it is not a party drug, and it’s not a horse tranquilizer. It is used and abused in many different ways, but that doesn’t define it. What it is is our primary anesthetic for small children, it’s the safest anesthetic […]
“Psychedelic Medicine” Needs A Rebrand: Acknowledging the Potential of Psychoplastogenic Medicine
Every day there is another article written about psychedelic therapy and its “amazing breakthroughs” in the treatment of mood disorders. The numerous medicinal claims made regarding psychedelics have been hovering at the fringe of western medicine for several decades. Only within the last 20 years has a concerted effort been made to investigate the efficacious […]